Hello there!

Picture of me!

My name is Tushar Dahiya and this is my personal space :)
I am currently a final year undergrad at The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore with major in Information Science Engineering.

My skills include low-level programming in C, C++ and Rust.

In my free time I am doing a ton of bouldering, learning hardware hacking, some reverse engineering and taking care of my cute humongous Mango tree Sindhura

Over the weekends - I contribute to open source, and write blogs (where you are right now:). But that’s not it, I like sports (participated in swimming Nationals three times, best position was 4th in 200m backstroke in 2018:), and discussing technology (mostly Linux, nvim, and programming) & ,,,,,,

I love writing impactful codes! My work doesn’t stop at getting the accuracy. I love optimizing the models to help deploy in real-time.

Social links 🗡️:
 - CV
 - GitHub
 - LinkedIn \

What’s in here?

On this website you can find some thoughts of mine on several topics ranging from:

  • Compilers
  • Functional Programming
  • Linux and other OS’s topics
  • Systems Programming
  • Game Engines
  • Lifestyle and travelling :water_wave:
  • Keeb stuff - HHKB2 Workman user here 💪

Please feel free to reach out to me, or leave a comment, I am always eager to have a chat or give a helping hand! Also, if you like what I do and you want more content, feel free to buy me a [coffee] ☕
